The Holocaust
Did you know that powerful Jews and Jewish groups claimed that 6,000,000 were being exterminated over 10 years before Hitler even came to power.
Read the link below for information about the Holocaust. It includes articles, videos, books. You will not see any of this evidence in the mainstream media.
The topics covered include:
Why is it a criminal offence to question the Holocaust
What about other Holocausts
The Myth of the 6,000,000 figure
Video: 10 Newspapers showing 6 million figure
How Many Really Died
The International Red Cross Report
World Almanac Figures
Video: 5 Facts refuting the Holocaust
Death Camps or Work Camps
Video: Pastor Steven Anderson gives a good summary of the deaths in the camps
The Alleged Death Camps
American Doctor who Liberated Camps reveals No Gassings
Ann Franks Diary
Witness statements state no gassings
Video: David Cole (Jewish) touring Auschwitz
Scientific Tests suggest no Gassings
Video: Prison system engineer Fred Leuchter stating that no gassings could have taken place
The Holocaust is Big Business for the Jews
World War 2 Leaders don't even mention the word 'Gas Chambers', 'Six Million' or genocide of the Jews' in their books?
Enigma Code reveals No Gassings
Alleged Eye Witness Accounts
What happens to innocent people who dare question the Holocaust? The Zundel Trial
Video: Historian David Irving Debunks the Holocaust
Germans Transfer Jews to Palestine - The Haavara Agreement
Video: Europa the Last Battle - Part 8 - The Holocaust
Video: The Holocaust - Shifting The Blame - Part 1
Video: The Holocaust - Shifting The Blame - Part 2
39 Questions about the Holocaust
More Videos and links to articles and Free books