Aliens on the Moon
Did you know that there are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about the moon.

A few years ago David Icke brought the book 'Who Built The Moon?' by Chris Knight and Alan Butler to attention, and concluded that the moon is an unnatural object that has been placed there for some reason - possibly as a broadcasting station.
Icke further linked the moon to Saturn, and theorized that the "Matrix" in which we live is actually a program originally broadcast by Saturn and amplified by the moon.
Going back to the book Who Built The Moon by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler They give a description about the book and it is this
'Despite the fact that the Moon is almost certainly 4.6 billion years old, we will demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt that Earth’s Moon cannot be a natural object. And then we shall explain in detail how the agency that manufactured the Moon left a series of detailed messages of what had been done and for whom it had been undertaken'
So it is worth reading if you want a more detailed version of what the Moon is.
Astronaut Scott Carpenter. “At no time when the astronauts were in space were they alone. There was a constant surveillance by UFOs"
Scott Carpenter had a long and illustrious career. In 1962, he was only the second American astronaut to circle the Earth.
According to the American ufologist Vladimir Azhazha, “Buzz Aldrin said to Mission Control that two large unknown objects were watching him and Aldrin after landing on the moon. But this message was never heard by the public, because NASA censored it. “But a 2006 video interview made astronaut Buzz Aldrin, it is analyzed the footage of the meeting between the Apollo 11:02 UFO. This was just one of many “encounters” with aliens, duration the journey to the moon.
It should also add that for some time circulating on the Internet an audio file that contains the conversation between the astronauts and control center in Houston, captured from various terrestrial radio stations frequency ultra-fast, before NASA suppressed in the telecast that illustrated the ‘ arrival of Apollo XI on the moon (NASA despite assertions to the contrary, there was in fact a slight shift between the real-Apollo NASA communications and those relayed to the world).
Here is the full text:
Astronaut 1: But what is that?
Astronaut 2: Do you have an explanation?
Houston: Do not worry, stick to the program!
Astronaut 1: My God, it’s amazing, that’s great, do not you could ever imagine!
Houston: We know this, go to the other side!
Astronaut 1: What the hell is that? It’s amazing …… God … but what is it? So, you tell me?
Houston: Change frequency, use Tango, Tango!
Astronaut 1: Then it is a form of life, that one!
Houston: Change frequency.
Houston: Use Tango Bravo, Bravo Tango, choose Jezebel, Jezebel!
Astronaut: …… yes! Matutto … .. this is incredible!
Houston: Switch on Bravo Tango, Tango Bravo!
At this point the connection is broken.
Video below: Aliens on the Moon, the Truth Exposed

Baffling Moon Anomalies


Buzz Aldrin Confirms UFO Sighting in Syfy's 'Aliens on the Moon'

5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught by NASA on the Moon
UFOs flying around on the FAR SIDE of our MOON!!
Unknown Object Moves in Front of Moon
Below is a brief list of some of the more prominent moon anomalies which have been discovered:
Fact 1 : Far Side of the Moon
The first thing to know about the Moon, the one causing the most problems for the
average person, that trips them up the most, is one face of the Moon is always towards the Earth.
This means from Earth we can’t see the other side of the Moon. This other side has been
commonly known as the “dark side of the Moon.” This is a common fallacy and just wrong. Probably,
this idea of a dark side of the moon is due at least in part to the music band, Pink Floyd, and their
Dark Side of the Moon album, which was such a hit at one time.
Still, in reality this term is a misnomer, because it is not the dark side, a side of the Moon
permanently wrapped in night, as it were. All sides of the Moon get sunlight, just as the Earth does.
The Moon does have a day and night, with the daytime, as well as the nighttime, each being about
fourteen of our days in length. One full day on the Moon is about twenty-eight days here on Earth.
Roughly this is the equivalent of one month (one “moonth” as it was once known).
During that time, as daylight moves slowly across the surface of the Moon, we see it as phases
of the Moon in the night sky, as more or less area of the surface of our neighbor is lit by sunlight, with
the Moon waxing (becoming full), and waning (reducing to a new Moon).
Therefore, the term, “far side,” of the Moon is much more appropriate rather than “dark side.”
There is a reason why we stress the far side of the Moon here, and it’s another one of those
“mysteries” we wish to discuss later on, one concerning the thickness of the crust there.
However, because we only see one face of the Moon, the one always facing our Earth, this
meant that for most of the time we’ve been on this planet, humans simply didn’t know what the far
side of the Moon looked like. It was never revealed to us. So in a sense it was “dark,” but dark as in
us having no knowledge of it.
Thanks to photographs from various NASA missions to our nearest neighbor, and those from
satellites launched by other nations, in the last decades we think we have developed a good idea of what the far side of the Moon does look like. I say “think,” because there is a big question about those
Fact 2 : No Volcanoes
Oddity of no volcanoes. The maria on the Moon, those large dark “seas” of lunar material are
supposed to be from magma, molten rock. Yet, there seem to be no volcanoes on the Moon. There
should be at least long-extinct ones if the Moon ever had a molten core.
How could there have been these vast fields of lava (magma) upwelling from a molten interior,
but not a single volcano anywhere on the Moon as a side effect of such vast geologic activity, as
well? And to date, no volcanoes have been discovered on the Moon. This is a major oddity, and a
very strange one.
Also, how do we account for the Moon’s relatively young age compared to that of the Earth?
Right now, scientists simply can’t account for this. Oh, there are a plethora of theories, but none of
them really seems to make any sense yet. Something is definitely wrong with the theory if this is so.
Fact 3 : Hollow Moon?
The website BibliotecaPleyades has an article from Ronald Regehr which states:
"The moon's mean density is 3.34 gm/cm3 (3.34 times an equal volume of water) whereas the Earth's is 5.5. What does this mean?
In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon MacDonald stated,
"If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."
Nobel chemist Dr. Harold Urey suggested the moon's reduced density is because of large areas inside the moon where is "simply a cavity."
MIT's Dr. Sean C. Solomon wrote,
"the Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon's gravitational field… indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow."
More information about the hollow Moon theory . It was first recognized with the lunar Landers, and once having done their job, having been
allowed to crash back onto the surface of the Moon. The result of these crashes was a phenomenon
known as “resonance.”
In simpler words and wholly unexpectedly, the Moon rang like the proverbial “bell.” (And bells
are hollow.) Actually, some resonance is to be expected. Even when solid rock is struck, it tends to
vibrate, but not like this!
This “resonance” or ringing went on for a very long time. On November 20, 1969, which was
the first time, the Moon “rang” for over an hour! Subsequently, when a portion of the Apollo 13
rocket, the third stage, struck the lunar surface, the Moon rang again, this time for over three hours! A
ringing bell, indeed.
The vibrations went as deep as 25 miles. Lunar seismographs, left on the Moon to record
seismographic events, such as possible moonquakes, recorded this. This vibrating implies there could
well be no lunar core at all.
Fact 4 : Moon is too Big
Considering the Earth's size and magnetic field, it is quite unlikely to have a satellite at all, but if it were to have one, we could expect it to be something in the vicinity of 30 miles round.
For instance, Mars' 2 moons, Phobos and Deimos, have diameters of 13 and 4 miles respectively.
Yet, the Moon's diameter is around 2160 miles - bigger than Pluto - and more than 1/4 of the Earth's diameter!
Fact 5 : Moon Measurements
The Moon's diameter is 400 times smaller than that of the Sun, and is 400 times closer to the Earth than the Sun - meaning the Moon neatly and exactly blocks out the Sun during a solar eclipse!
What are the chances of this?
The Moon blocks the Sun's disk so precisely during a solar eclipse that the Sun's corona can be studied, without which much of Einstein's work would not have been confirmed.
Isaac Asimov described this as being "the most unlikely of coincidences".
A one second arc of the Moon's rotation is exactly equal to 100 megalithic yards. Coincidence?
Fact 6 : Moon's Round Orbit
This isn’t a small one, either. There is the oddity of the orbit of the Moon
around the Earth. It is almost perfectly circular. Why is this strange? Well, almost all orbits of planets
are elliptical, being sort of a slightly squashed circle in shape.
Even planets found orbiting other star systems, and we have found at least a couple thousand of
those already so far, have elliptical orbits. So, in other words, the Moon is not only in a strange orbit
by our solar system’s standards, but it’s even strange for any other solar system, as well, apparently.
Why is this so? Again, there are many theories, but none seem to adequately explain it well.
There are flaws, big ones, inherent in all of them.
So something has to “make” a
planet or Moon take up a circular orbit. For the Moon to have such a one is an incredible oddity in
itself and would have required real precision to achieve. So is this really just by chance, a
coincidence. The number of coincidences at this point with regard to the Moon do act to stretch one’s
Fact 7 : Moon's Wobble
Because of the nature of the orbit, the Moon‘s
center of gravity does not align with its geometric center. It is off by some 6,000 feet, well over a
mile (1,828.8 meters, approximately).
What does this mean? Well, by all rights, the Moon should have a pronounced wobble as a result
of this fact. Yet, amazingly, it doesn’t. And this causes a slight bulge, and where is that bulge? Well, it
is on the far side of the Moon.
To date, no wobble of the Moon has ever been seen. If the Moon is hollow, that would account
for this state of affairs. “Something” in the interior could be offset, thus correcting for any such
possible wobble.
In his book Alien Agenda, Jim Marrs quotes this interesting idea from science writer William Roy Sheldon:
"It is important to remember that something had to put the moon at or near its present circular pattern around the earth.
Just as an Apollo spacecraft circling the Earth every ninety minutes, while one hundred and sixty kilometers high, has to have a velocity of roughly twenty-nine thousand kilometers per hour to stay in orbit, so something has to give the moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude.
The point - and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the moon - is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit. ‘Something' had to put the moon at its altitude, on its course and at its speed.
The question is: what was that something?"
What do all these moon anomalies real tell us about the object we call Luna?
In short, the moon violates so many known laws of physics and so many expectations of what is normal, that it is easier to explain the non-existence of the moon than its existence.
In this light, Irwin Shapiro of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics stated,
"The best explanation for the moon is observational error - the Moon doesn't exist."
The moon is perfectly positioned to give us the type of world we live in. Is this just a cosmic coincidence?
Fact 8 : Helium on The Moon
Unlike on Earth, there is, apparently, a great deal of Helium 3
on the Moon. Helium 3 is simply helium molecules made up of three atoms of Helium, but again, this
is a rarity on the Earth.
Estimates indicate there may be as much or even more than 1,100,000 tons of Helium 3 on the
Moon. This is a phenomenal amount, but it has incredible implications. You see, Helium 3 is the ideal
fuel for fusion power, which is even now in its later stages of development, with some real success in
that endeavor being achieved in just the last few years.
As a fuel, about 100 tons of Helium 3 would supply all of us on Earth with enough energy for an
entire year. So if we do develop successful fusion power plants, the demand for Helium 3 will be
great. And the Moon would be the best available source of such fuel and in great quantities.
But maybe, we aren’t the first to discover the Moon as being a great source of this fuel? Some
claim, and even show photographs to back such statements, that there were once (and could still be)
alien mining operations on the surface of the Moon. Were they mining for Helium 3?
Is The Moon Hollow?
Well, now that we’ve established the basic facts of the Moon, and have had a look at all the
oddities, strange things involving our neighboring world, there follows the next question we must
wonder about as a matter of course. That is, could the Moon actually be hollow? It sounds like an
incredible question, we know, but there is some real basis for it being a fact, if only because of the
oddities and some other evidence.
Yes, there are questions about that “evidence” but then there are some major questions about
every theory of the Moon’s origin, as well, as we’ve shown, but that doesn’t stop countless scientists
and seemingly endless television shows from propounding them as if they were fact, even now.
However, the Hollow Moon Theory seems to answer more questions than it raises, unlike the other
origin theories.
For instance, we’re betting anyone with an interest in this subject has seen at least one television
show that shows a mars-sized planet (Theia) colliding with Earth to produce the Moon. Often, this
“theory” is cited more as a fact, a given, than just what it really is, and that is a theory with some real
problems attached to it.
Now, let’s discuss some other much more controversial theories of the Moon’s origin, different
ones most scientists (but not all), dismiss, or would like to dismiss out of hand.
The Spaceship Moon Theory. This is probably the first, or at least one of the first real theories
where the idea is discussed the Moon may not be what it seems to be, that it may, in fact, be hollow.
This theory, which is often also referred to as the Vasin-Shcherbakov Theory, postulates the Moon
may not actually be a satellite of Earth, at least not a natural one.
Messrs. Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, who at the time of the formulation of this
theory were members in good standing of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, first proposed this idea in
Is the Moon the Creation of Intelligence, an article they wrote in July of 1970.
They developed the theory the Moon was an unnatural thing. They said it could well be a
worldlet that had been hollowed out by aliens, ones obviously having a far superior technology to
ours. They went on to say the aliens may well have used such technologies to make the center of the
Moon molten and then removed this liquid magma by ejecting it onto the surface of the Moon.
The result? The Moon would be a hollow shell, with a rocky and natural-looking exterior,
except for those large areas of solidified magma, which we see as maria today.
They further proposed the inner shell would be made of metal, for added structural support. At
some point after this was done, our Moon was then moved into such a nearly perfect, circular orbit
around the Earth for reasons unknown.
Besides citing the maria as the exudate of the liquefied interior of the Moon, they also pointed to
the craters on the Moon, particularly the larger ones, as another indication of their Spaceship Moon
You see, despite some of the Moon’s craters being truly massive in area, they are all very
shallow, at least the larger ones are. If formed from meteors and asteroids colliding with the Moon,
these scientists argued this would not be the case. The craters should be much deeper.
Instead, again, they’re shallow and relatively flat in their centers. In some cases, the bottoms of
the craters are even convex in shape, bulging slightly. They use this as further evidence the craters
could not have been formed as thought by meteor impacts in the way believed by most astronomers.
Is this a credible idea? Well, it does seem on the Moon the smaller craters do have depths
proportionate to their area in size. Their interiors are proportionately deep to their diameters, in other
words. However, as the two scientists argued, this doesn’t seem to be true of larger craters on the
Moon. Why?
How does one account for this disturbing discrepancy? Well, the authors say this is so because
the smaller craters were actually created by meteor impacts, which burrow their way into the surface
of the Moon. However, the two Russian scientists claim this layer is only about some five miles deep.
The larger impact craters, which should have impacted more deeply, were stopped by the inner
hull, the metal one supposedly manufactured by the aliens. This, the two scientists say, would account
for the shallowness of the larger craters. Despite the size of the striking object, it’s speed, and force,
the inner “hull” of the Moon deflected it back out, thus causing the results we see only with the larger
craters in the form of flat and shallow centers. So although they are the results of impacts, they
weren’t “allowed” to penetrate as deeply as they should, and thus the shallow interiors of the larger
They have a point. If what they argue is true, it would, indeed, account for the shallowness of
larger craters, versus the more proportional depths of the smaller ones. The bigger meteors simply
couldn’t get past the inner hull. The smaller impacts never drove that deeply into the Moon’s rocky
surface to reach the inner hull, so their depth is “normal.”
Also part of their theory is the thickness of the inner “steel” hull. They say that below the rocky
outer layer of the Moon, the metal one might then be as much as 20 miles thick. Inside of this would
be an open space, which could be used for any purpose or purposes. They also say it might well
contain an atmosphere.
Furthermore, both men also used the evidence of the composition of the material on the surface
of the Moon. They pointed out that Titanium, Zirconium and Chromium make up a larger part of that
material than on Earth, which makes it considerably different in detail from the materials on the crust
of the Earth.
So as much alike as the isotopic ratio and makeup of the Moon’s material to the Earth’s mantle
material is, there are significant differences still. The scientists went even further. They said some
rocks found on the Moon date farther back than any found on Earth, itself. What does this mean? Well,
it must mean the Moon would then be older than the Earth, formed before it did… or the Moon was
created before the Earth was by “someone.”
Also, Apollo 17 brought back some dust samples, which were composed of orange glass
spherules (tiny spheres), along with fragments of other minerals. The particles are quite small and
range in size from 20 microns to 45 microns. What’s more, and quite differently than Apollo 11
material brought back, the orange samples were highly and unaccountably wealthy in zinc content.
What was the standard explanation for this by mainstream scientists? They say the material
probably originated from volcanoes. Although, and despite a number of actual Moon landings by
NASA, no volcanoes, active or extinct, have ever been discovered.
Whether any ever existed on the Moon is a matter for conjecture. So if not volcanoes, from
where did this “dust” then come?
By these pieces of evidence, and others, Alexander and Michael argued the Moon might have
been created before the Earth (again, citing the older age of some Moon rocks than any found on
Earth), and so had a different origin.
They weren’t alone in this belief. In his 1975 book Our Mysterious Moon, author Don Wilson
listed a series of facts he believed acted as supporting evidence for the idea of a hollow Moon.
Nor was he alone in this. Author George H Leonard in his book Someone Else Is on the Moon,
published in 1976, included a series of NASA photos purportedly showing large and artificiallooking
structures on the Moon. He believed some of these structures might be huge pieces of
Do most other mainstream scientists discount this theory? Of course, they do. For one thing, they
claim the disparity in the age of some rocks from the Moon versus the lesser age of those on Earth is
due to tectonic activity on our planet. Rocks are “recycled” on Earth, and this accounts for the
disparity. Being all recycled by now, they are simply younger.
This is a plausible idea, but is it correct? Again, we simply don’t know. It’s just as much a
theory at the moment as the Hollow Moon Theory is. However, to date, none seem to be able to
account for the orange “dust” samples and their origin, or why they should be so heavy in zinc
content. Also, none seem able to account for the difference in the amount of Chromium, Titanium and
Zirconium between lunar surface samples of rocks and those of rocks on Earth.
A steady stream of ancient
and more recent sightings of strange events have, and continue even now, to occur on the Moon,
including “pulses of light,” “beacons,” “flashes,” “streaks,” “beams,” “tracks,” etc. Again, so many of
these sightings are there, NASA has coined the term of Transient Lunar Phenomena for them.
What could account for so many different types of events as these on a supposedly dead world?
If aliens did inhabit the interior of the Moon, and were coming and going in space-going vessels, or
occasionally (for whatever reason(s)) making excursions out on the surface, perhaps even with bases
there, then this would account for all such strange “transient lunar phenomena.” In fact, it is the only
explanation that seems to cover all types of such phenomena, since no other theory can account for all
the diverse types of anomalous events seen on the Moon over the centuries. Just that one theory does,
that the Moon is hollow and may have inhabitants.
So we aren’t just talking about just a few oddities here, but many and
major ones, at that. What’s more, combined with the claims of the two Russian scientists, something
far stranger, far more bizarre does seem to be a distinct possibility. Again, perhaps it’s because the
Moon may be hollow.
Even if the Moon isn’t, at the very least, something very weird is going on with our neighbor,
something for which no current theories can account. And if it isn’t hollow, then how do we explain
all these things, these “oddities?” At present, scientists simply can’t, not in any other way.
However, if the Moon had been created artificially or altered and then placed in orbit around
our world, many or all of these questions would be answered. The Hollow Moon theory seems to
answer more questions than any other theory of the Moon’s origin we have at present. In short, it
seems the best fit as an explanation for the origin of our Moon precisely because it answers the most
Dr. Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, declared that:
“If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the
Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
Werner von Braun, called the Father of American Rocketry by many, stated in Popular Science
in a 1970 article, How Apollo 13 Will Probe the Moon's Interior. He discussed the idea that when
the main section of the Apollo 12 was allowed to impact the Moon that,
“The astounding result of that crash: The Moon rang like a bell for nearly an hour,
indicating some strange and unearthly underground structure.”